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Welcome to the HydroProxy Homepage

HP has disbanded.  Do to internal conflicts of interest and a lack of communication, the band HydroProxy has been torn asunder.  The site will remain online as a memory of things that could've been.

I finally have an ISP again. So this means the site will be updated... later though.

New graphics have been loaded, hope you like.  However, new logos for the band members are still being made, and are not up yet.  I plan to have online within a week or so.  I have a job now, so my time has been shortened.

Progress on the site is slow, but moving along.  We have a show planned for the end of this summer, so please check out the Up Coming section for me details.  Otherwise, we have a new Groupie in our ranks, Candy.
On the sunbject of groupies, I plan to make small bio's for each groupie soon, still deciding how to do it though.  I'll keep you posted!

The site is undergoing some massive changes.  Mostly this is due to the fact that I am bored right now and wanted to do something even though it is nearly 3:00 in the morning.  Oh well...  The graphics will obviously all need to be tweaked, however everything else seems to be in working order.  Drop me a line if oyu find anything out of place though, please.  Thank You.

A new song has been added, Dead Puppet.  Hope you like it.

I just talked to the mighty King Thunder not so very long ago, and again he mentioned trying to get us all together again.  Hope it works out this time.  And of course, I'll keep you posted.

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